Halfway to Half Term

I’m really enjoying myself here in Pb now that I’ve more or less settled into the routine. It’s been great to get to know the organ and gain some confidence in registering pieces, and I’ve really enjoyed all the accompanying I’ve gotten to do. The current count is at 8 Evensongs, 1 Matins, 1 Eucharist, and 2 other services… I’m also becoming more comfortable in taking girls and boys rehearsals on my own. Depending on the time of week and day, energy levels can be a bit variable, but overall the kids are well-behaved and lovely. I’m also enjoying getting to know members of the back row (both the choral scholars and the lay clerks) - it’s always nice to connect with like-minded folks that love choral music. On top of all the other good things about the job, I get to work with extremely supportive and kind colleagues in the Music Office… life is good!

I have started to explore outside of the city a little bit and look forward to more in due course. I visited a neighbouring town, Stamford a few weeks ago and was very taken with its various churches; there are 5 medieval churches still standing, all within a few minutes walk of each other! In addition, I got to visit Cambridge to visit with a friend a couple weeks ago, and it was nice to watch the countryside go by (and an extra bonus was seeing Ely’s octagon tower from the train). Finally, I was able to get away to Colchester in Essex earlier this week, where I spent time with my aunt, uncle and cousins.

Starting at the end of the week there are some big events ahead. We’ve got our annual Be A Chorister For a Day event (BACFAD) on Saturday, an evensong for the National Friends of Cathedrals meeting on October 12th, and our Diocesan Choral Festival on the 19th. After that, it’ll be half term break, which I’m sure will feel quite welcome! I’ve booked tickets to visit some friends down in Cornwall, and I’m really looking forward to catching up with people in my original UK home.